So here's everything that's going on with me right now:
so anyway that's all stuff that i have to do now. and like, i'm excited because it's all good stuff and i'm definitley not complaining about the great opportunities i have and the privilidge of owning a house and all that, but it is so much to do and only two and a half weeks to do it in. oof. and like, we've already spent so much money on our fricken house but it turns out once you own a house you have to spend a lot of money again. because of all the stuff that needs to go in the house. aaaaaaaaaasdhgaj;adkjad
anyway. enough whining. the fact is i'm crazy busy and whenever i'm not sitting at my desk at work, activly cleaning the new house, eating, or sleeping, i'm knitting for the craft show. that's my whole life for the next couple weeks, but yknow what? it's fun. so who cares hehe
it's also stressful as fuck but yknow
also i've really started to like how my home page on this site is looking, but also my fiddling around with the layout has resulted in it being no longer responsive :// i want it to be responsive, but now i gotta go shoveling through the mess i've made of a once nice code and figure out what the hell i've done. i know it's probably just a matter of messing with the flex boxes, but eughhhhhh that's so much work. idk, i'll figure it out.
okay last thing: i found these pixel faerie babies yesterday in a deposit of old pixel gifs, so there's no real source for them, but good god they look just like how i do:
oh boy oh boy ive scrubbed so many surfaces lateley
my arms are really going through it recently lol between the constant knitting and crocheting AND all the scrubbing of walls and counters and drawers and everything else in the new house i am SORE!! but hopefully we will be able to paint soon and then start actually moving in! i really want to move in sooooooonnnnnn i'm so done living with my in laws. they're great and all, but i really want to have my own space now TT^TT
speaking of parents, mine and my wife's have been really helpful with getting the house ready which is fantastic, but god i really hope they don't keep inviting themselves over when we're living there. cause i really don't want to have to tell them "hey you need to leave and not come over without telling us that you want to come over" but like i will if i have to. cause like, again, my in laws are great, but good lord can they be overwhelming when they're just like... hanging out all the time and not leaving. and i can absolutley believe they'd come over without being invited just whenever, which is exactly what i DONT want. i want this new house to be a place just for me and my wife and our pets to be able to chill and like, be alone. i just need a place to be alone in unu
GAH anyway enough of that. let me talk about some of our house plans!! tonight i'm going to keep cleaning the kitchen, and hopefully get it all done, and my wife is going to do the pre-paint treatment to the walls in the living room, and whatever other walls she can get to as well. and then i think tomorrow we're going to start buying the paint and stuff. thank god we got gift cards to home depot, so we can use it to buy the paint!! god everything is so expensive OML but soon we will be moving in and done buying shit and be able to sit and chill in our house that we've made our own!! that's going to be so god damn nice ( ╥ ᴗ ╥)
okay enough house talk! now i wanna talk about the website!! it's really been coming together, ive done a lot of work on the main page recently and it's actually so nice now! when i was first programming it obviously had no idea what the hell i was doing, and it was pretty messy because of that. i went through the whole god damn code and made it neat and nice looking code and formatted it correctly and improved the responsiveness and added all the sections i wanted and aaaahhhhh i'm so proud of myself!!!! the next thing i want to do is make a library page with books i'm reading and other media things i'm engaging in, but i have to think about how i want it to look. every page on my website looks different lol, but i think it's fun like that and it keeps me interested hehe
one day i hope to make these journal pages responsive and better looking on mobile, because obviously they look like shit right now lmao, but that can wait. it's not like this is the most interesting or important page on my website anyway lmao
anyway i gotta get back to work!! god i hope no one from my job ever finds this site lmao