Welcome friend! My name is Farmer Fae, and this here is Fraggle Farm. I inherited this plot o land from my grandfather, and I've turned it into a thriving farm. My favourite things to do are care for my plants and animals, go forraging in the woods, and head down to the tavern for a drink with my friends in Pelican Town. There's so much cool stuff going on in this world, and I want to see it all!
Down below I'm going to chronicle my life and my farm's progress. I hope you all enjoy hearing about my adventure!
Well, I've decided to start to keep a log of my farm. I've been wanting to since I started this farm, but there's always so much to do! But since I think I'm finally starting to figure out this whole 'farmer' thing I have some extra time to write down my updates sometimes! So let's see, what should I update on?
so far I have two barns and one chicken coop. My chickens and ducks are doing well, though I think I'll have to make more mayonaise machines soon. I have more eggs than I know what to do with most days! I have to get the final upgrade for that coop so I can get some rabbits.
I also have two cows, a goat, and a sheep, and thank god I was able to get the auto grabber for them. Carrying around my milk pail and shears was getting heavy! My last barn has my pig in it, and she's been doing a fantastic job rooting out truffles. I'm thinking of getting another piglet soon so that I can get more. I love truffles.
not much to report on with my farmlands, though I was recently able to get an irridium sprinkler which has been a boon. This year I've been able to buy a few of each kind of crop, so I've been able to sell a whole lot more different kinds of plants than I was able to last year. I'm really starting to be able to make some good money after getting the Junimos to repair Grandpa's old greenhouse, that's been great.