fairy boy
back home?

fae's notebook!

this notebook is where i store a lot of my information including sources for my site, my digital collections, and probably more if i think of it. this page is still under construction now so don't mind some missing info/empty pages for now! thanks ^w^

    in this notebook you'll find:
  • sources i used to build this website!
  • links to sites i like and take inspo from!
  • my sitemap!

might add more to this page later on, when i have more ideas about it lol

to do list!!!!1!!

  • make a page for my furbies!
  • make animes watched/to watch page
  • fits/fashion page
  • visible mending log
  • fill out grimoire pages
  • make pages better on mobile
    • grimoire
    • notebook
  • add page for my digital and irl collections
  • make shrines?
    • drawtectives
    • deities

i have too many ideas


sources that i use on my site!! check them out:

if there's something on my site that i haven't cited that you know the owner of please tell me!! i do my best but yall know how the internet is sometimes (´∀`;)

more links to sites and resources i use regularily, or am just keeping asside for later, are on my pinboard page


the layout for my homepage is from sadgirlonline's layout builder (i also take a lot of stuff from this to form the base code for most of my other layouts!)

the layout for my pinboard page is also from sadgirlonline, from her premade layouts

the layout for my project log page is from petrapixel's layout generator

the layout for this page is from doqmeat's notebook code


i get a lot of my old net gifs and graphics from glittergraphics.com

some of my pixel images come from this onedrive folder i was linked to (sowwy i don't remember from who (づ_ど))

some of my tiling backgrounds come from the backgrounds archive

the background for this page is from this collection of tiling backgrounds

the background for my grimoire page and the lace border from my about me page are both from rosemary's resources page

link to the tiny buttons i use on my homepage:

coding tutorials and snippits

tutorial for adding a status.cafe widgit onto new neocities sites using RSS feed

how to freeze gifs on a page without freezeframe.js

css grid layout maker

how to make a crt effect with css

tutorial I used to make an rss feed

how i learned to code

i figured out how to code through learning resources on the following sites as well as doing a lot of googling around! i'm by far no expert, i learn by playing around and trying to find answers to specific questions i have. there's no better way to learn imo than by trying! so dive into coding and do your best, and you'll figure it out!

neocities beginer coding guides
stack overflow q&a section (i end up here a lot when googling why something i've done doesn't work lol)
mdm web docs (great for when you just need to know what certain css stylings will look like)

net neighbours!

neocities sites that i follow and who follow me! they're all super cool so you should check them out!

doqmeat.com sakuradreams.neocities.org lamb bones a green and pink animated website button reading 'frankencycled' in a gothic font Winbows XP by Xobyte dollzpalace.neocities.org dawkie.neocities.org ibbofazblog.neocities.org caminus.neocities.org

no button:
missfitpixie thatsneet HedgeWytch

if you like my site and want to add my button go for it!

webrings and cliques

Flidais is the patron of this site

other sites i like!

neocities sites i think are neat for one reason or another! take a look around, they're all great to visit!

Chattable Brugmansia Manor Banner hillhouse pomelo.neocities.org the button of caitsith.neocities.org inkcaps.neocities.org ribozone gooby.neocities.org lostletters.neocities.org ruralrose.neocities.org petrapixel nenrikido.neocities.org Perceval Print Press lucard.neocities.org rawrware.neocities.org

no button:
the doll archive yard my furby world nova-lightz


as an information professional (im a library tech!!) i L O V E a sitemap!! i'll do my best to keep it updated, but i'll appologize in advance for forgetting sometimes ^^;

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