october 18 2024
so here's my first update about this project! i've had the idea for so long, but i never got very far with it because i had so much trouble finding a crochet top pattern that i actually liked and looked good on me. imo it's because so many patterns are made for waif looking people and i am... not that. i tried a couple of tank-top style tops and honestly i did not like how they looked on me. eventually i stuck what i'd done so far in my mending basket to frog later and got distracted with other projects for a while. and then i found the pattern that i eventually decided i liked enough to give another try.

i found the pattern for this top, called the 'buttercup top,' and really liked the texture and ruffles. plus the pattern is completley adjustable and customized to your measurements, so i knew it would fit me. so i started to unravel my old top attempt and use that yarn to make the new top.
i really enjoyed making this pattern, and it came together really well. i used size 3 yarn and a size 5 hook so that it would be airy and have some good movement and drape, and i really liked the process.
until i ran out of light grey yarn.
that's the issue, i only have so much yarn and i bought it all a long time ago. but hey, a quick trip to Craft Store and that was solved. there were two balls of the exact same yarn, AND yarn was on sale, so i got some more fun stuff for other parts of the project. which was real fun, and don't ask how much money i spent, that's not important.
so i finished the top, and here's what it looks like now:
terrible photo asside, i'm really happy with how the finished product turned out! but i have another problem. i made the bottom ruffle with the same size 5 hook i've been using the whole itme, but i think it would look better if it had more.... ruffle. i could redo it with a size 6 hook..... but this is all the dark grey yarn i have left:

and the thing about that, is that i thrifted this dark grey yarn. so that's all i have, and i'll never have any more. so now my issue is do i risk it to rip out the ruffle i've done and redo it with the bigger hook, and risk not having enough yarn and having to rip out and do it a THIRD time???
honestly i probably will. I love making work for myself i guess ( -᷅ ⤙ -᷄ )=3
anyway, that's all i have to say about the project so far, but there will be at LEAST one more update about the top after the weekend, because for sure i'm going to make the most work for myself possible, so
i'll update about how that goes. and then maybe i can free myself from this crochet top prison and manage to move on to a next step of the fucking project
that i'm v excited about still i promise i'm just annoyed abt the way i am