
heyo! call me fae, welcome to my secret hideaway in the woods. this website is a cobbled together frankenstien of interests and passions, the only throughline is me ^w^ have fun wading through my spelling errors and erratic capitalization :p

some notes before you go exploring: i'm a potty mouth adult who enjoys many an adult activity, so if you don't like swearing, including the odd reclaimed slur, or the occasional adult topic take care of yourself and don't feel you have to engage with anything that makes you uncomfortable. and if you don't like queerness, weird freak behaviour, and respecting alternate spirituality, feel free to get the fuck outta here ^-^

this site looks okay on mobile, but it's better on desktop bc i'm a bad coder xoxo

powered by Surfing Waves
they have something to show you β‡Ύ

newest pic:



FRUITBUS!! big reccomend


Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold: The History of a Lesbian Community


mends on my clothes


spy x family finally!!

listening to:

my dad's cool country playlist

updated February 2 2025

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!